Tuesday 22 July 2014

Safe to say

It's safe to say that I failed at that weekly blog thing I mentioned last year. To make my massive lazyness and forgetfullness seem more like life's fault than my own short comings I'll tell you what has passed.
I quit my job shortly there after and proceded to start working as a substitute teacher and temp in the city of Austin. And I am sure that all of you remember the behavior of either your own children or yourselves with reguards to Substitutes in your class. I won't say it was a nitemare, but teaching them taught me that I don't want to teach science.
If I go back to further my education it will either be to get my masters in Geology (for the big money) or to teach MATH. Yes, I said MATH. Numbers don't lie to me. Numbers don't make a mess of the classroom then shaft me with clean up before the next batch of self-inflated mini-people arrive to repeate the process. It wasn't fun and the longest I spent in one substitute position was 5 days and it was with 4th graders. Teaching childeren who will still bawl in public is hard, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
After that I started an extended temporary position with a company called Texas Classroom Teachers Association (TCTA). That meant that I got to go into the same office everyday to work on a single task. I loved it. I was a data entry anylyst and I got to listen to books on tape while updating memberships accounts. Durring lunch I got to talk to people, there were social invites, a friendly welcoming atmosphere. After 2 years of crazy Oil and Gas work I started feeling like a real person again.
Sadly they needed to hire a programmer more than another Data Entry Analyst so shortly before Christmas I was back to waiting on jobs again. I did not pick up another steady paycheck untill February 25, 2014. Where I am still working now trying to accrew the 720 hours required for the staffing agency to even start the communication for hiring me. I am currently 3 hours shy of that milestone so they won't start talks until next week.
I am annoyed, but making money.
Underutilized but earning just under my hourly wage as a Mudlogger.
Do dull repetative tasks but get to read books/play on my tablet when I am done.
Overall, I can't really complain.
Thanks for reading. I'll post up some of my crafty work from the last year over the next few weeks. For real this time. I got photos and everything!

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